Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hyper reality

I have fallen Victim to the effects of Hyper reality, when it comes to the portrayal of hospitals on TV. In House M.D. all the cases are real "but the chance of all these cases showing up at one hospital in New Jersey?" not quite as probable. House gives people the idea that extremely rare cases like the ones dealt with by Gregory House, the main character and doctor in House, are common and would be being dealt with every time you might find your self in a Hospital. However, i have been in hospitals several times over the past few years, and have seen first hand that this is not the case. On the contrary, i have never seen a severe case such as the ones in House, but just a few people sitting in the lobby, usually waiting for someone or they may have a head ache of some kind; in fact two of the times i went i had by far the worst case of every one in there, with just a broken ankle or badly cut hand. Not only that,but the head doctor in House M.D. has very questionable and irrational practices which i hope to never see in a hospital. "In the real world, Gregory House would be in Jail,". No doctor would just give a patient a random medication hopping it would work, if they did they would be sued, kicked out of the hospital or be placed in Jail for malpractice. In these all these ways and more, the hyper reality of House M.D. has effected my view on what is supposed to happen in hospitals, despite personal experience.


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