Monday, December 3, 2007

Answer to Bri's Hamlet question

I'm answering these two questions posed by She wrote "My first question is Does King Claudius think that Hamlet is on to him? Cause as soon as the play ends he wants Hamlet taken away to England. The second question is why didn't Hamlet just kill his uncle?"

so, i think that Claudius may believe that it is impossible for someone to know that he killed the king. I think that Claudius thinks Hamlet is just crazy and that in his insanity he may cause Claudius to reveal that he killed the king. Therefore, in order to prevent any more issues he wants to send him away and let the issue "die" away so to speak, ha-ha.

I don't think Hamlet knew who was behind the curtain, and he hoped it would be Claudius. If it was Claudius then he would have killed him, just gotten it over with, since he'd been having trouble with that. Also, if it wasn't Claudius then i guess he didn't really think about it and assumed it was a spy or something.

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