Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hamlet 3.1 & 2

so, i think that Ophelia is totally in capable of thinking for herself because during her "conversation" with Hamlet she really had nothing to say. Most of the things she said to him were in the form of questions, and if they weren't, they were barely more than a sentence. Then in 3.2.115 she says "I think nothing, my Lord."

I personally think that Hamlet isn't really crazy, he has just chosen to be crazy for the time being. I especially got this impression in 3.1.165 - 167, when even the king says so. Also, i don't think a crazy person could write an entire play that rhymes all the way through. Finally, in 3.2.387 - 398 Hamlets thoughts seem totally together; at that point he was alone.So i think he just puts on the act of being crazy when people are around, but once they are gone he no longer has to, so he goes back to being himself.

I really don't like Polonius though. Not only is he super controlling of his kids, but he just cant get over the fact that Hamlet might not love his daughter. Hamlet even says in lines 118 - 120 that he didn't love her, and Polonius heard the conversation. and then even the King reaffirmed it on line 165. Maybe Polonius just cant admit he was wrong, or he thinks "who wouldn't love my daughter", cause in lines 179 - 181 he's like "eh~ well i think he is just feeling rejected~". He is too stubborn, proud, and controlling. He really didn't do much but bounce around and decorate scene 3.2 with his presence so there wasn't much character development there.

It was kind of exciting to see the King's reaction to the play, though. I am defiantly excited to see what happens next; Hamlet is really starting to get more interesting now.


CaitlynSCSHamlet said...

I totally agree with your entire post! lol. I didn't really think of Polonius as just a "decoration" for 3.2, that was really good insight on your part. bravo! ^_^ I found the expression on King Claudius's face something of interest as well. I am curious to see what happens next between Hamlet and his mother, and between Hamlet and Claudius. I agree that this book is a good read.

Briscshamlet said...

I agree that Hamlet is faking, for alot of the same reasons as you. I mean a crazy person can't write a play that not only makes sense, but rythmes, better than a love note he gave Ophelia before he went "insane". I don't know if I agree with your arguement on Hamlet not loving Ophelia, I think it is a possiblity, but I'm not really sure, I'm leading towards Hamlet lusting Ophelia, then loving her. I think it's a possibilty, but he oviously didn't put much thought into the love note and he has been a complete jerk to her, yet that could be an act. I will say that Polonius just get's annoying as he tries to explain things and tried to control every situation and yet doesn't really know what is going on. All in all I think you are right on.

m_squared. said...

hey shelby...your blog, and point of view, were pretty good. I thought your take on the scenes was cool because it was so crazy, and opinionated, and direct, and orginal, lol.
i agree with you that basically Ophelia's dumb, and Claudius is a chump, but I think Hamlet actually was a bit crazy at first. I think he just snapped out of it, in time to write the play, and tried to make ppl think he was crazy. And then he was rude and they should all just kick the bucket!! haha.
Thats what I think. :)